Re: I still don't buy that sendmail is "fixed".

der Mouse (mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU)
Fri, 24 Feb 1995 15:36:37 -0500

> In readcf.c, we still have the following fragment:

> 	if (!safe && strchr("bCdeijLmoprsvw7", opt) == NULL)
> 	{
>   ===>		if (opt != 'M' || (val[0] != 'r' && val[0] != 's'))
> 		{
> 			/* unsafe option code */
> 		}
> 	}

> What is the line with "===>" in front of it really supposed to be
> doing?

It's saying that though M is in general not safe (not in the list of
safe options in the strchr call), Mr and Ms *are* safe.  Rewrite it as

	if (! ((opt == 'M') && ((val[0] == 'r') || val[0] == 's'))))

and it may make more sense.

Whether this is actually true (about Mr and Ms being safe but other M
values not being safe) is something I don't have the energy and time to
figure out right now.

> \r\nCroot\r\nR<"|/bin/echo HAHA > somefile">\r\nHBogus:   indeed.
> Maybe I'll just leave my identd wired this way for a while just to
> screw with peoples' heads.  Maybe I'll change "somefile" to
> "/dev/kmem".

> Why am I so *PISSED OFF* about this?!  It's only ones and zeros, fer
> krissake.

I rather wondered that myself.

					der Mouse